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Professional preparation in Derby

Dance students in Derby are able to better prepare for life after studying at university as a result of working in a professional dance house as part of their studies. The University of Derby and Déda have collaborated on a single honours dance degree, prompted by two specific factors. A need for a progression route for Déda’s Youth Academy members and local students was identified, in addition to a withdrawal of council funding, in terms of the wider arts sector; an alternative income stream was required.

As a result, the BA Dance students at Derby have the opportunity to focus on developing further skills to broaden their career opportunities across the sector, beneficial for both organisations. The university already had a successful ‘Learning Theatre’ model for its students, with a wide range of degree programmes based at Derby Theatre. This renewed focus on employability skills means they are developing specialised experience through the professional dance house.

The development of the new degree programme has meant the university stands out as being hugely sector-focused, developed jointly by university academics and dance professionals. Setting the programme further apart is the inclusion of contemporary circus as a rather unique aspect of the course. Within the sector the boundaries between dance, contemporary circus and site-specific work are merging, meaning the students' skills will be relevant and current. Further development is in the pipeline, to incorporate aerial and acrobatics, and looking at introducing new undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

The degree programme combines studio-based theory and practice, in addition to work-based learning. The skills the students hone will put them in good stead for the challenging world of dance, as well as providing them with learning outcomes that are recognised and valued by the sector, such as developing professional practice through volunteering, work placements and internships.